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Showing posts from February, 2013

Sweet Little Eyes

Violet had her last EUA (exam under anesthesia) in December and a follow up with her Oncologist in January. Both appointments had fantastic results! Violet has had no recurrence of cancer and she is exceeding all of her milestones, showing us that her chromosome 13 deletion is having no effects on her physical and mental learning abilities. Praise God with me! :) I say this often and it is with my whole heart, "We are so grateful!" As Violet gets older, it seems the hospital appointments are becoming increasingly difficult for her. It's really hard for Josh and I to see her get so upset and scared. At her last appointment, she screamed when they just went to take her blood pressure. That has never happened before. Violet is obviously starting to associate that one thing leads to the next part that she does not like. Thankfully, Violet is able to go 3 months before she needs to go through it all again. And, we are very hopeful that all will go well with her next EUA...