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Results From Today

Today Violet had her exam under anesthesia to see how well the chemotherapy is working on shrinking the tumor in her left eye. Instead of telling a story of how the day went from start to finish as I usually do I am going to just share the results with you because I am still quite numb and overwhelmed from it all. I will try to explain it as well as I can as I am still trying to take it all in.

The tumor in Violet's left eye shrunk significantly from the chemotherapy. Her doctor said it was a difference of night and day. At Violet's original CT scan and exam 2 months ago the tumor was large and blocking the back of her eye which concealed her optic nerve from view. Now that the tumor is small they found that the tumor is directly on the optic nerve (the nerve that travels from your eye to your brain carrying the signals that allow us to see). This discovery brings with it new concerns.

Violet's doctor wants to have an MRI done to make sure that the cancer has not gotten into the optic nerve. If it has, they also then have to make sure that it has not spread to her brain. As far as what happens if it has spread to her brain, we are not even going there in regards to discussing what happens with that unless we need to. If it has spread to her optic nerve and not to her brain we would discuss the pros and cons of proceeding with a more aggressive chemotherapy or removal of Violet's eye.

If we get the wonderful news that it has not spread at all to her optic nerve then we will continue to do as we are with the chemotherapy that she is currently receiving. The difference is, the ability to laser it away when it is small enough is no longer an option. Since the tumor is directly on her optic nerve it cannot be treated with a laser as that would kill her optic nerve. So, the only thing that we are now relying on is the chemotherapy to rid her eye of the tumor. The doctor said that if we can achieve this he still has great hopes of her vision being restored.

The next part of the results of this exam is this ... they found a new tumor in Violet's right eye. This tumor was small enough that they were able to freeze it and kill it. We do not have to worry about this tumor as they treated it completely, but the fact that another tumor appeared in her right eye changes the original diagnosis for Violet.

Initially Violet was diagnosed with unilateral retinoblastoma meaning it was only in one eye. When the retinoblastoma is unilateral it is thought to be the result of a chromosomal defect. The fact that it has now appeared in both eyes it is a bilateral retinoblastoma diagnosis. This means that Violet has a genetic disorder where the cells in both her eyes keep multiplying when they are supposed to have stopped, causing tumors. Violet will have to keep getting routine exams under anesthesia to check for new tumors for the next few years now. The worst part of this new diagnosis ... this can happen in any cell in Violet's body. It is not limited to her eyes. Violet now has an increased chance of getting another form of cancer.

If you have not prayed with all your heart to God for Violet I beg you to do so now. I will be working on scheduling the MRI tomorrow morning when I take Violet to the hospital for her chemotherapy. I am praying that they can get her in quickly so that we can move forward with a treatment plan that is best for our baby.

With all this new information, our heart continues to break on another level that we didn't know possible. At the same time, we are remaining faithful that God can and will heal our sweet Violet.

The good news from today that we are grateful for:

*The tumor in her left eye shrunk significantly
*The new tumor in her right eye was found early enough to be frozen away

I thank God for the good news from today and will continue to pray with everything that I have for healing and protection in regards to the new diagnosis.


  1. I am in awe of your faith and your strength, God has a very special plan that only he can understand. I know God and only God knows Violets future but I am looking for a miracle. My heart is begging God to heal Violet and bless her through out her whole entire life. I love all of you so much and I will pray with all my heart for our baby girl.

  2. My heart is breaking for you mama. I have a 9 month old little boy & can't imagine the situation you are going through with your precious little girl. I do know, however, that The God I serve is a God of miracles and I will continue to pray for complete healing for Violette. I also shared your story with my small group from church last night so more prayers are being said on your family's behalf.

  3. Wes and I continue to pray for your precious family. Josh and Shenay please put all your hope and trust in God as you have been. We love you.....

  4. you are in my Prayers...ISABELLE AND BABY ARIELLE

  5. Shenay and Josh,
    Keep praying, ask the blessed mother to intercede for your prayers. Also try praying to Saint Gianna Beretta Molla.

    I'm continuing to pray for you both and your sweet baby Violet.

  6. We are praying with all of our hearts for the complete healing of your sweet baby girl. My heart is just aching for all that you are going through. I know that He is able and I just pray for his healing hands to be upon Violet right now. I will be sharing Violet's story with our prayer ministry at church, so that they can be praying for her also. Please hang in there, He will lead you all through this.

    Elizabeth & Baby Micah


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