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Enjoying our Freedom!

It has been so amazing getting out and about with Violet this past month! We have been able to visit our family so much more and go on fun outings together. We have gone everywhere from the grocery store, the mall, church, the Seattle Aquarium and the Point Defiance Zoo. After 6 months of only getting to see the hospital it has been so exciting! I can't tell you how wonderful it is to get Violet out of the home and to see her enjoying new sites.

Violet loved the aquariums! Seattle Children's Hospital is decorated in an ocean theme so there are some small fish tanks throughout. Violet has loved to watch the fish and that is one of the words she loves to say. So, we knew that she would be so excited to see the huge tanks at the aquarium. She was hugging the tanks like she wanted jump right in and was squealing with happiness. It was funny to see all the people around her smiling and laughing at her excitement and my husband, Josh, heard a woman behind us say, "She's so happy to be alive!" :)

After all the excitement ...

Violet only had to go to the hospital twice during the last 4 weeks. She had one appointment to get a saline and heparin port-a-cath flush and she did so great. It was a quick access, flush and de-access. This was done because Violet is no longer having weekly labs so they need to make sure her port line stays clean and clear of clotting. The other time we had to go to the hospital was because Josh and I got that horrible stomach virus that had been going around and then Violet got it. She was vomiting over and over so when I called the nurse I was told to bring her to the ER since she is still considered a "high risk" little girl as long as her port-a cath is there. After getting fluids for a few hours we were able to take her home and continue her care ourselves.

Violet's next appointment is scheduled for 3/28 and this will be an EUA (exam under anesthesia). We are praying for no recurrence. The next day, she has an appointment with her oncologist and we will discuss the results of the exam and Violet's overall progress. If there is no recurrence we will be scheduling a surgery date to have her port-a-cath removed!

Please continue to pray for our little Violet's health. She is doing so well and we are so proud of her ... and inspired by her! God has truly blessed us.


  1. I have been thinking of you 3 so much lately !so happy to hear wonderful news and see pics of her so happy ..thank you for updates ....


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