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Please Join Us in Prayer

Violet's next EUA (Exam Under Anesthesia), labs, vision check and oncology clinic are coming up on April 9th and 10th. Please join us in praying for her safety, perfect health and complete healing.

We will be posting same day updates to Violet's Facebook page Violet Brielle - Surviving Retinoblastoma. We are very grateful for all of your prayers! Thank you all so much.

(Photo from Violet's special Make-A-Wish trip to Disneyland. :) More to come on that magical trip!)


  1. We love you little miss and will be praying for best results and for your safety while going through this, yet again. BIG HUGS!!! <3

  2. Violet, you have a very special place in our hearts and you are always in our prayers.We love you so very very much


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